“We acknowledge receiving your container for the poor and needy families and children in our diocese- the Catholic Diocese of Keta-Akatsi in the Volta Region of Ghana. We are very grateful to all of you who worked tirelessly behind the curtains to make this container possible. We all raise our thumbs up and say in our local language AYEEKO which if translated into English means, ‘Well done-thank you!’” - C. Akoto-Brown (National Catholic Health Service)
Sr. Bernadette, St. Joseph's Hospital in Ludzi, Malawi
Fr. Michael Della Pena OFM, Director of Orfanato Valle de los Angeles
El Salvador
Fr. Flavian Mucci OFM, Director Agape Mission
“I know what great effort you’ve done to support the different missions throughout the world and especially in our Blessed Alfonso Maria Fusco Children’s Home here in Virac-Catanduanes, Philippines. The community and the children are deeply touched by your sincere concern and authentic giving of your time, resources, and care. We want to heartily acknowledge the effort and concern you have generously shown to help the children who are suffering.”
-Sr. Salvacion
Sierra Leone
“Thank you very much for helping me to care for the poor and needy in our area. Please be assured of our prayers for you all and our benefactors.” -Fr. Lebbie
Fr. Giovanni from the Missionaries of St. Paul
Fr. Patricio Larrosa from ACOES